Why Choose a Cleanse

with Scripture

(March 29th- April 2nd)

By eliminating specific food groups during a cleanse, you release toxins that are found in day to day food intake. This intentional eating gives your digestive system a break, allowing it to heal and better absorb nutrients. A 5 Day Cleanse, allows you to hit the reset button within your eating habits- yielding more energy, gut health, digestion, and overall wellness.

Our cleanse is different from others in that it adds personalized scriptures and devotional readings to align with the cleanse of all participants. It is our belief that a cleanse is holistic, yielding in both physical, mental, and spiritual sacredness.

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What we provide

  • Daily detox

  • Recipes to create

  • Daily timeline of suggested foods

  • Devotionals & Prayers

  • Zoom check in sessions

  • Nutritional education

  • Interactive PDF's

  • Videos

  • Community