Hi RISERS! Below you will find a sneak peek of the Day 1 Devotional found in my newest book for singles.

On August 2019, I released my second devotional book for singles, YES SINGLES! I wanted to rewrite the narrative of loneliness, frustration, or desperateness that may be yielding during this time- to a narrative that was empowering, meaningful, and intentional. This daily devotional is desired to inspire personal inner reflections, empower a closer relationship with God, and ignite faith along the single journey.

Singles, remember that your life and meaning is far beyond a relationship status. so let’s maximize this single season with Christ. Keep the faith and know that God will bless you right where you are. You have places to go, se let’s RISE!

Day 1 Devotional:

You may have gotten up today with one simple question, “How did I get here?” You have so much going for yourself. You are charming, successful in your own right, loyal, a believer, or simply have the whole “wifey” or “hubby” package signed, sealed and ready to be delivered- but delivered to who? I get it and so does God.

You may also find yourself in a period of life where many people around you are accomplishing the relationship goals that you desire. While on social media, you are constantly being reminded of the cute marriage hashtags, expensive engagement photoshoots, destination honeymoons, parties, and the wedding of a lifetime, but I pray that God allows you to congratulate others before we turn our singleness into hate and envy. If that is truly the desires of your heart, please know that God can and will allow you to receive all that you could ever imagine if you simply trust the process.

There’s a song that simply says, “He may not come when you want Him, but He will be there right on time.” God’s timing with relationships is not our timing. Yes, it may hurt and yes, we may begin to question many things, but stay looking forward; do not dwell in the past or the unknown.

As you begin to trust God in the process, ask yourself, “What are some things I wish to accomplish in my single life?” What are some areas of growth that I need to ensure maturation in before I say “yes” to the next relationship? Have I discovered personal happiness and joy, or am I simply wanting someone to come and fulfill it for me? There are indeed many things that we should place emphasis on as we wait on the Holy Spirit in our singleness. Put down the social media for a while and begin to pick up the Word of God for strength, wisdom, and encouragement.

You may be older but trust the process. You may be divorced and afraid to love again but trust the process. You may feel like God has forgotten the desires of your heart but trust the process. Someone may have broken your heart in the past and you are still healing but trust the process. Whatever you may be going through, just know that there is no situation too hard for our God. May you walk in patience and trust today.



What does it mean to trust?

Do you trust God with your current relationship status? Why or why not?

What areas of your life do you need to put more trust in?

PRAYER (singles are encouraged to write their own prayer on the blank lines)

God is calling all Singles to RISE! May you continue to grow, glow, and trust the process. Remember, that it’s not about your timing but God’s. Whatever you do…..don’t lose the faith!  Keep RISING!