I Quit My Job.

On February 2019, God told me to walk away from being a Pediatric Nurse and that shook my world. And I was going to wait until life was in order and I had a fall out testimony when I made this announcement, but God said NO! Tell your story NOW. So here I am….


  My nursing job not only brought me joy, but a steady pay check, benefits, and security. On the night that the Lord spoke to me about leaving, I began to think about the long nights of nursing school and how many people failed the program, but somehow God allowed me to graduate. Why would God uproot me so soon, what was I going to do? I was trembling in fear knowing that I had to activate my faith.


I began to think about how I failed my nursing boards the first two times and pleaded with God to allow me to pass. I cried, I was confused, I was embarrassed. God, why would I have to suffer so much for my profession? But God steadily reminded me to trust the process. God’s plan was greater than my plan.


Let’s rewind! In 2012, I remember switching my major 3 times and running to the chapel of Howard University, crying and begging God to reveal my purpose. It was then that God led me to nursing and whispered in my ear that, “You will do something to glorify the kingdom.” As a 19 year old sophomore, I didn’t understand at the moment how nursing and ministry was interconnected. It just didn’t make sense to me. But with time and wisdom, God allowed me to answer a holistic wellness calling of healing the mind, body, and spirit- combining both passions of health and spirituality. I never felt so alive and was empowered to continue to trust the process.  


It is important to know, that immediately after nursing school, God called me into the ministry and my path as a nurse was set apart. I started a 3 year journey to seminary and after FINALLY passing my boards in 2015, I applied for nursing job after nursing job and got over 100 no’s. While is seminary, I would question God. God I have said “Yes” to you, why can’t I work in nursing and go to school simultaneously?


Instead of giving me what I wanted, God allowed me to start a holistic wellness business called RISE Enterprises LLC, write my first devotional book and answer my call to preach. God didn’t open the door of nursing until I answered ALL of my calling- not simply a piece of it. I’m so glad that God didn’t give me what I wanted but what I needed. God was increasing my faith and expanding my territory.


After my assignment was complete with my Master’s of Divinity Degree in 2017, I got my first job as a Pediatric Nurse and was able to operate in ministry as a Youth Minister at the same time. My dreams were being fulfilled. My worrying was no more. I finally arrived in nursing!


After one in a half years of practicing, why would I have to leave nursing so soon? What will I do? How will I support myself? Where is God leading me?” These are questions that began to flood my mind as I was wrapping up my nursing shift one night and wrestling with God’s demand to leave so soon. I told God that I wanted to work a minimum of two years as a nurse and that was being disrupted. But despite the fear, I knew that I had to trust the plan of God and after praying, I submitted my letter of resignation. In May 2019 I left nursing. With no definite game plan, I walked by faith and not by sight and was willing to give God my future once again.


After leaving, I begin to channel excitement of this new season!!  I knew that I had made the right decision although I was still afraid of the unknown. This was going to be a breeze and I made the mistake of starting off telling God my will instead of following the will of God. Then things started to take a turn and the first two months after reality hit- I was filled with anxiety attacks, emotional instability, frustrations, and questions. I was a walking time bomb that was one question away from exploding until I started going to a therapist. It was only until a frantic call with a mentor where she simply told me to, “Stop finishing God’s sentences”, that freed my soul!


Since the age of 12, I knew that I was to be a business owner and God was giving me the full-time liberty to do just that. How could God really give me what I have desired my entire life? I placed God inside of a box for provision and He was calling me to dream and step outside of it. May 2019, I began to walk into my new mantle of becoming a full- time business owner and ministry architect. Did I know the entire blueprint? No! And I still don’t….but I know deep in my heart that God has it all mapped out.


Life has been so amazing since I have given up control within the last month of my journey. Far from perfect, but filled with more faith and less resistance. We all must acknowledge that His plans are not our plans and His ways are not our ways. We must fully surrender to God, even when it does not make sense. You can go kicking and screaming but whatever you do, do not operate in disobedience.


God rewards obedience.

God rewards radical faith.

God rewards sacrifice.

So how will you honor God in your life today?


Faith is not a feel good act. It truly requires you to give up control and to trust the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We will not receive all that God has for us playing it safe. We will never know the limitlessness of our God if we ultimately place limits on Him. So, I simply come today to ask, are you willing to give God your all? Are you willing to take your faith to another level? Are you willing to sacrifice to get something you’ve never gotten before? And to go places you have never gone before?


My testimony is, after accepting the will of God, I can now give my movement and business RISE my all. I can give my ministry my all. God has been opening doors! I published my second devotional book, “Single is not a Sin”, I’m creating programs of sustainability, have amazing life coach clients, and God has been given me vision after vision after months of no movement and strengthening my faith. Don’t get me wrong…I still have days of confusion and frustration but I keep pushing and RISING! Ultimately, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow. Every single step I take is ordered by the Lord. His pace, His direction, His end goal. I have NO CONTROL y’all!


My devotional life is increasing, my spiritual gifts are getting stronger. God now has me in a place where all I can do is follow as He leads and it was because He can trust me now. Can God trust you? Even when it’s uncomfortable? Even when you are side-eyeing? Even when you have to task a risk? Things aren’t perfect for me, but I serve a God of perfection. Some days I get weary, but I decide to crawl even when I can’t run or walk. Keep the movement going RISERS!


So how do I go to school from 4 years in nursing and quit my job? Because I trust God! How do I give up my title as a Pediatric RN? Because I trust God! No sacrifice, no reward.


RISERS, God is looking for radical faith in this season. Radical faith produces radical blessings. Radical blessings produces radical transformation.  It’s not easy, but it’s commanded of us as believers. God may not be calling you to leave your job (whew!!), but what are you being asked to do in this season? And as you walk by faith remember the following scriptures:


1.     Proverbs 3:5-6

2.     Romans 8:31

3.     Psalms 23 

Keep pushing. Keep rising. Keep trusting! You have places to go.

This is my testimony in the making. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for listening. To be continued………